Dead Wednesday

Spinelli, Jerry.

Jerry Spinelli.
229 pages.
Summary: On the second Wednesday in June, every 8th grader in Amber Springs is assigned the name of a teen who died from a preventable death. Car crash, drugs, recklessness. They don black clothes and teachers, townspeople, even parents, pretend they are gone, invisible...dead. It's supposed to make kids consider their mortality. But for most 8th graders, it's a day when you can get away with anything--because you're invisible. Worm nearly always feels invisible, which is how he likes it. But letting the idea of Becca Finch (17, car crash) into his life will affect him in ways he never could have predicted. He certainly didn't expect her ghost to appear. But on one truly epic, life-altering day, the dead girl and the worm boy connect. Each of them is forced to confront what they've gotten wrong in their lives. And each will find a way to help the other move forward.
Librarian's Miscellania
Location edition Bar Code due date
GENERAL FICTION First edition. A06387
Genre:Supernatural stories.
School stories.
Dewey:F SPI
call #:SPI GF