The quiet forest : the case against aerial 1080

McQueen, Fiona, M.F

Summary: Alone among nations, New Zealand allows itself to be saturated with the deadly poison 1080, which indiscriminately kills creatures that require oxygen - deer, dogs, insects, possums, fish, birds, etc. Many of these suffer horrible deaths, with the victim writhing around in pain for many hours. The nation's Dept of Conservation (DOC) is the force behind this universal killing programme as, crusader-like, it turns more and more of the conservation estate as well as other areas into killing fields by its periodic blitzkriegs of dropping 1080 - allegedly to kill rats and possums in the interests of native birds, but in fact, killing native birds as well. This environmental crime, backed by powerful forces and carefully contrived propaganda is exposed in this thought provoking book, which should make every reader uneasy at this wholesale and unnecessary massacre of living things in the bush, causing a great quietness to fall over the formerly noisy and bustling forest in the wake of every 1080 drop. (Publisher)
Librarian's Miscellania
Fiona M.F. McQueen
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