Sightwitch : the true tale of the twelve paladins

Dennard, Susan

Davies, Rhys

Series: The Witchland series
This prequel is set a year before Truthwitch.
Summary: Ryber Fortiza was a Sightwitch Sister at a secluded convent, waiting to be called be her goddess into the depths of the mountain. There she would receive the gift of foretelling. But when that call never comes, Ryber finds herself the only sister without the Sight. Years pass and Ryber's misfit pain becomes a dull ache until, one day, Sisters who already possess the Sight are summoned into the mountain, never to return. Soon enough, Ryber is the only Sister left. Now it's up to her to save her Sisters, though she does not have the Sight - and though she does not know what might await her inside the mountain. On her journey underground, she encounters a young captain named Kllen Ikray, who has no memory of who he is or how he got there. Together the two journey ever deeper in search of answers, their road filled with horrors, and what they find at the end of that road will alter the fate of the Witchlands forever.
Witchlands ;
Librarian's Miscellania
Susan Dennard ; illustrations by Rhys Davies
Location edition Bar Code due date
GENERAL FICTION Sight witch International editon A04334
Genre:Supernatural stories.
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