Every falling star : the true story of how I survived and escaped North Korea

Lee, Sungju

McClelland, Susan

xv, 314 pages Summary: Every Falling Star is the memoir of Sungju Lee, a North Korean boy who was forced at the age of twelve to live on the streets and fend for himself. Sungju tells what it was like to be separated from his parents; to be alone; to have to create a new family with his gang, his 'brothers'; to be hungry every day; and to fear arrest, imprisonment, and even execution. In this compelling true story, Lee, with Susan McClelland, grimly reveals that many of the freedoms taken for granted in the West do not exist in other lands ... and that hope is often all there is to cling to. (Back cover)
Librarian's Miscellania
Sungju Lee & Susan McClelland
Location edition Bar Code due date