Tikanga Maori : living by Maori values

Mead, Hirini Moko

x, 398 p Table of contents: He timatanga Maori : introduction to tikanga Maori -- Nga ahuatanga o te tikanga Maori : the nature of tikanga Maori -- Nga putake o te tikanga : underlying principles & values -- Te tapu o te tangata : the tapu of the person -- Wahi tapu, taonga tapu : the tapu of places & things -- Te marae : the ceremonial courtyard -- Te pohiri : welcome ceremonies -- Tangihanga : ceremonies of the dead -- Te muru : the concept of ritual compensation -- Te tatau pounamu : peace agreements -- Te takoha : gift giving -- Rahui, aukati : ritual prohibitions -- Whakahuihui tangata : social groupings -- Te ahua o te tangata : the behaviour of people -- Nga mahi auaha : creativity & performance -- Te tuakiri, te whenua : identity & land -- Te whakawhanau : new life -- Matauranga Maori : knowledge -- Te whanuitanga o te tikanga Maori : extensions of tikanga Maori -- Nga ahi e ngiha mai nei : the fires that flare up -- Kua ea : it is done Summary: Explores the creative arts and interactions between older and newer social groupings such as iwi and urban Maori authorities. Develops approaches to problems such as violent crime and substance abuse. Surveys the ways that tikanga guides relationships between people, with the Gods and the land. Areas discussed include: social structures and groupings, the tapu-noa principle, protocol of the marae, welcome ceremonies, mourning ceremonies, tikanga of settlement and ritual confiscation, gift-giving etiquette, relationships between identity and land, tikanga of karakia, childbirth, guidelines for proper behaviour, knowledge acquisition and retention, wellbeing, creativity and performance, and protocol for places we live and work
Librarian's Miscellania
Hirini Moko Mead
Location edition Bar Code due date
Dewey:305.89 a13
call #:305.89
ISBN:1877283886 9781877283888