Becoming Aurora

Kasmer, Elizabeth

212 pages Summary: After sixteen-year-old Rory (Aurora) is the only one of her gang caught in a racially motivated attack on a local Indian restaurant, she is sentenced to community service at St Mary's aged care facility. There she meets Jack, an old tent boxing champion with enough of an attitude to match Rory's. After being threatened for her role in the attack, Rory is surprised to discover a connection between Jack and one of the migrant boys Essam. Feeling disillusioned with her gang, Rory takes up Essam's offer to teach her to box. Through her new friendships and interests, Rory learns more about the migrant community and she finds not only a new pack, but herself as well
Librarian's Miscellania
Elizabeth Kasmer
Location edition Bar Code due date
Dewey:F a15
call #:KAS